Equity In Higher Education

Higher education, like every institution across the globe, is fraught with class, caste, racial, gender, and socioeconomic injustices.

We cannot outline the many issues in higher education. We are not an experts in this arena. We can only offer our simple and humble belief that everyone with a dream deserves their shot at a graduate degree.

That's why we commit our time and resources to help underrepresented peoples get into top grad programs.

Each month, we select someone to receive a free essay review. We review your application essay (or resume or whatever you want help with), provide critical feedback, and a short video on how to make this even better. You can then take the experience you gained from this critical review and use it on all of your applications.

No fee and no questions asked.

Please sign up and we will let you know availability.

Equity sign up here

You can also sign up for periodic free trainings and Ask Me Anything sessions by signing up for our weekly newsletter:

Newsletter sign up here